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Frequently Asked Questions
At what age can my child start?Children can start if they will reach the age of 5 years (on or before Dec 31) and compete in our Under 6 competition. If they turn 5 years between January 1 and the end of our Summer season, they can register at a discount and complete the last part of the season (once they turn 5). Age groups go up to U17. To check which age-group your child will be in, please refer to the LA Vic age group calculator
Can my child do a trial period to see if Little Aths is right for us?Of course! We offer a 2 week trial period at any time throughout the season. Please sign up via the Little Athletics Victoria website first and during the registration process, please select Option A: Trial Athlete Offer and follow the instructions. Don't forget to click "Yes" to be on the mailing list and you will then receive all our communications during the trial period. If you decide to stay on, you can then log back in and pay, or pay us on a Saturday morning. If you have any questions during the Trial period, please contact our Club Registrar or visit us in the office during Saturday morning.
How much does it cost?Mornington Little Athletics has set the Summer Season 2024-25 fees. These are published on our Registration page. Before paying, we offer a 2-week trial period for new members and discounts for Early Bird registration and discounts for siblings too.
When will the Summer 2024-25 Season commence?Our Summer little athletics season will commence on Saturday 5th October 2024 with our Come and Try day. Registrations will open in September so please make sure you have registered for a Trial first. We have early bird discounted registration fees of ~10% for all members who register before Sunday 22 September 2024. Stay tuned to our Facebook site for the latest updates and register your interest so we can get in contact with you.
When can I register for the 2024-25 Season?The LA Vic Registration portal will be open for new, trial athletes and returning Members in first week of September. If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact our Club Registrar. Please register your interest so we can get in contact once the Registration portal is open.
When does the Season finish?Our final competition event will be held on Saturday 1st March 2025 at Civic Reserve. Our Final event for the Season is Championship and Presentation Day on Saturday 15th March 2025 where all Prizes and Awards for each Age Group will be given out including Club Records and Personal Bests.
What days do you compete?Our track and field competition is held every Saturday morning from October to February (with a short break over Christmas/New Year). We also offer a cross country season starting in late April until end of August. Your summer season fees include the Winter Cross Country season at no extra cost.
What time does the session commence and finish?Our Saturday competition events commence at 9:00am. We ask all parents to arrive by 8.45am to prepare, review the program and be available to assist our Age Group managers. We usually finish by 11.30am followed by track pack up duties for allocated Parents and Age groups.
What is my responsibility as a parent/guardian?Each age group has a volunteer parent age-group manager who stays with the children and guides them through each event, however it is a requirement that you are present and supervising your child for the duration of the morning (sorry, no ‘drop and go’s allowed!). However, age-group managers can’t manage the morning alone – parents are required to help out by measuring/recording results, taking the sand pit, collecting throws equipment…and, of course, kid wrangling! Please note that it is not permissible to drop your child and leave the centre. All parents are required to be available for the duration of the Centre event session. If a Committee official discover any child is without parents in attendance, parents will be called to collect their child from the session. It is each parent's responsibility to look after their own children.
Can I travel around the track with my child to their events?Absolutely! We actively encourage our parents to follow their children around and help the team managers run the events where possible. The kids love having their parents their watching and helping.
Does my child have to compete in all the events scheduled on the morning?No. Whilst we do focus on participation and personal best performances, if you have to go somewhere early, or it's an event that your child chooses not to compete in, there is no problem if they don't compete in all the morning's scheduled events. Our club focuses on Personal Best (PB) results, not on who wins and loses. So if your child feels "they are losing every week", check out their results. If they are improving each time they compete in a specific event, then they are actually "winning"!!
My child plays another sport on Saturday mornings. Can they do both?Yes. Depending on the time the other sport starts, they can complete a few events with us, then go to their other sport. Or compete at their other sport then come to us to finish off those events that are still running for their age group. We have many children playing netball or basketball who do this each week. Please note that we will not alter any scheduled program event due to other sport commitments.
What do we do when we first arrive?We use Age Group Trolleys and all parents are encouraged to bring a bag to contain water bottles, hats and warm clothing. Once you have done this, find your Age Group Manager who will mark your child on the attendance sheet. If you have paid the registration fee, there should be a Comm Bank chest patch/bib in the age group folder, and your child's name will be printed on all the event sheets. Please attach the bib to your child's T-shirt using the safety pins in the folder. At the end of the morning, the bib needs to go back in the folder. If you are participating in the trial period, the Age Group manager will write your child's name on the event sheets. Once you decide to stay at the club, all past event results will be updated in Results HQ for you to view online.
Do I have to do duties?Yes, as a purely volunteer driven organisation, all parents and guardians are required to fulfil a minimum number (6) of duties during the season. Parent duties include: - - Track set up in the morning from 7:30am - Track pack up once the competition day is completed - BBQ duties as scheduled from 9:00am to 12pm A Parent/Volunteer duty roster is prepared at the start of the season and parents are expected to fulfil a minimum of 6 duties per season. If you cannot fulfil your allocated duty, please find a replacement parent/volunteer in your Age Group. Failure to complete the minimum allocated duties during the season may result in the withholding of any end of season awards for members.
My child is only with me every second week. Can they still compete at the club?Of course, we have many children living in 2 households that only come to us when they can. There is no problem if you miss a week.
Why is there no Commonwealth Bank chest patch/bib in the age group folder for my child?If you haven't paid the registration fee, there will be no Comm Bank bib for your child. Once payment has been made, the bib will appear. If you have paid and there is no bib, check you are in the correct age group. Bibs are printed on Thursdays; if you have paid after Thursday and before Saturday, your bib will not be available until the following week.
Where can I view the weekly event results?Access to results HQ is slightly different to your membership where it requires you to login with your primary email address that you used during registration, this will become your username for ResultsHQ. Results are uploaded by MLAC after each weekly competition. This can take a couple of days, so it is important to provide MLAC with adequate time to check all results before they are uploaded to ResultsHQ. Please remember results only start recording after you have been issued with your member registration patch. More information on Results is available on the LAVIC Website - You can access Results HQ here -
What time does the session commence and finish?Our Saturday competition events commence at 9:00am. We ask all parents to arrive by 8.45am to prepare, review the program and be available to assist our Age Group managers. We usually finish by 11.30am followed by track pack up duties for allocated Age groups parents and volunteers.
What events does my child compete in each week?Our program changes every week. Generally speaking, we schedule 4-5 events each week with one throw (turbo jav/javelin, shotput, discus) and one jump (high, long, triple) alternating, on average, every 3rd week, plus two or three track events. Check out the Season Program page with links to each week's program.
Are there opportunities to compete against other clubs?Yes, from the Under 9 age groups and above. Our club competes against other ‘Southern Metropolitan Region’ (SMR) clubs at the Regional Relay carnival in November; successful teams then compete against the top teams from other regions at the State Relays in December. The SMR Track and Field carnival for individual little athletes is usually held mid-February, with successful athletes advancing to the State Championships in March. To qualify, athletes need to have participated in four club competitions before the scheduled cut-off date. SMR and State Cross Country championships are also held in the middle of the year. In addition, other clubs also hold Open Days that are open to all age groups; Open Days are advertised on the LAVic website: We also hold the Peninsula Challenge competition with local clubs including Frankston LAC, Westernport LAC and Southern Peninsula LAC each February.
Is there compulsory training sessions?Training is never compulsory at Mornington LAC, except if your child is competing in the Relay Championships. We are introducing the Mornington Athletics Academy which provides fundamental athletics training for U8 to U12 age groups each Wednesday afternoon (5-6pm). We are also offering U13 and above age groups the opportunity to train with the Mornington Peninsula Athletics Club (MPAC) which is a terrific opportunity for our older athletes to progress into the Senior team. See more information on our Training Pages.
What times do the Winter XC sessions run?The Winter Cross Country events are held from end of April until end of August every second Saturday and will usually start at 4.00pm. Athletes are encouraged to arrive at 3:45 am to sign-in and walk the track. We offer a 500m, 1km, 1.5km, 2km and 3km length runs depending on the Age group. Cost to run is $2 per athlete per event to cover the cost of end of season trophies.
What is your Hot Weather Policy?MLAC Follows the Policy and Guidelines provided by the Governing body - Little Athletics Victoria. The Heat Policy for LAVIC and MLAC Competitions can be found on the website link - Heat Policy Resources - Little Athletics Victoria. MLAC will track both Air temperature (C) and Relative humidity (%) to determine the risk classification and apply the Heat Stress risk mitigations as determined by the policy. Where the risk of Heat Stress is Extreme (Red classification), our competition events will be suspended or cancelled as required.
What is MLAC Wet Weather Policy?At Mornington Civic Reserve, we are lucky to have an 'all weather' track which means that rainy or wet conditions do not necessarily stop a competition day from going ahead. However, the safety and well-being of our children, parents, families, volunteers and officials is always our first priority, particularly considering the impact of weather on scheduled events. The MLAC Committee will assess the track and equipment conditions in the morning of the event of adverse weather conditions and we may modify and/or cancel the event. If the competition event is cancelled, we will post on our Facebook page and send an email to our members and trial athlete families.
What are your Child Safety Policies?Mornington Little Athletics is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people involved in Little Athletics. The rights of children are fundamental, and we will be responsive to the needs of all children and young people. Mornington Little Athletics supports the active participation of children in Little Athletics, we will ensure that child safety and wellbeing is embedded in our organisational culture, reflected in our policies and procedures, and understood and practiced at all levels of our organisation. Our Child Safe Policies and Childsafe Code of Conduct provide the Little Athletics Body and Members guidance to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all children and young people involved in Little Athletics and can be accessed via the button below.
Can I take photos of my children?Of course you are able to take photos of your own children. Please be aware that many parents do not consent to having photos of their children taken. If you are taking a group photo, please ensure you seek consent from all parents involved. Please do not post any photos to social media without obtaining parental consent.
Where do you compete?Our purpose built track is located at 350 Dunns Road, Civic Reserve, Mornington. There is plenty of parking within the Civic Reserve grounds (please do not park at our neighbouring Kingswim carpark, this is reserved for Kingswim families).
What happens if my child injures themselves?Head to timing gates tent or merchandise area so we can contact our First Aid Officer to come and assist you. Can all asthmatics please ensure they bring their puffer with them.
Who runs the club?Our wonderful committee of volunteers run the club. If you are interested in joining the General Committee, please approach one of the committee members (those wearing the black/orange polo shirts), or email us. We encourage and welcome all parents to become actively involved in supporting our Centre and kids.
When will the new Pavilion facilities be completed?We are pleased to announce the Civic Reserve Pavilion has been completed over the 2024 Summer holiday break. The new pavilion has new toilets, a drinking and water fountain, change rooms and a canteen that we will use to sell our usual BBQ items and more. We will be moving all our equipment to the new storage location in the facility over the coming months.
I have another question not covered herePlease contact us with any other enquiry you have. Membership enquiries can be directed to our Club Registrar. Feedback is always welcome from our Members.
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